YEAH BABY! So here's what's happening! 5/9/20 we will be making our triumphant return to the New Braunfels Farmers Market with guns blazing BABY! Fully stocked and ready to rock! Not only will we be returning, but the rest of the crafters and "non-essential vendors." Whatever nonsense that is supposed to mean. Like candles aren't essential..... In addition to that, we have our fingers crossed that we can bring our soap this time..... If not it wont be the end of the world. Order from us @ and we will get you taken care of. We have fully paid for the remainder of May and cannot wait to serve you! We are super excited to introduce DJ Cooper Next Saturday to Funderkandles! DJ is an amazing young man who is eager to learn the trade and we are excited to help him so join us in welcoming DJ!
