HEADS UP PEOPLE! Here's the scoop! as many of you know there is this GLOBAL CRISIS TAKING PLACE! The Corona Virus has hit us hard but we "Keep moving forward!" So here's what up. As the title reads, We won't be back to NBFM temporarily until they start letting artisans or "essential" businesses in? In addition to that, Many of our supply distributors have closed temporarily as well. All good. That's the bad news. 4 pieces of awesome news. Number one- Heubner Oaks, WE ARE BACK! Saturdays 10-3! We have missed you and we are ready to party! Number two- we can sell our soap there! If you haven't had our soap...….. Welllllll We will see you Saturday. If Guy and Girl Code is there we will yield to them every Saturday and let him sell soap exclusively BC he's my boy and the Funder won't steal his thunder, we will still sell our candles and clamshells. Number Three- Our new soap that we are selling has some great specs and we are adding some awesome exfoliants that you are going to love! Everything from Green tea and Cucumber with actual Green tea included in the bars themselves as well as hazelnut coffee with coffee exfoliant included as well. Many many more to come! Number 4!- Funderkandles Delivers! Contact me directly and we will get you taken care of! (830)221-5716 Thank you guys for your consideration and believing in us and this company for 8 years. "Embrace the wonder of the Funder!"
