New Braunfels Farmers Market! We are back and ready to Party! We can't wait to see everyone! We will be back this Saturday the 9th and ready to ROCK! With me will be DJ Cooper! The most amazing bowler I have ever met! DJ wants to learn sales as well as the biz! He will be taking over the NB and or Heubner Oaks farmers market soon for us and he needs to learn from the best!We will be set up not in our normal spot :( We will be set up to the right of D's Roastery. So slot 50 has been infected by Corona-19. We have been assured that us being in this spot is temporary and we will be back once all of this mess is over. Between now and then, feel free to find us here and remember we deliver! shop online! Our new soap is turning out amazing and you guys need to try it! We cannot sell it at the New Braunfels Farmers Market either. You can call us direct or order it online because we deliver! We cannot wait to see everyone! 9-1 "Embrace the wonder of the Funder!"
